The housing crisis in the Bay Area and beyond, economic stagnation, widening wealth inequality, environmental degradation―can Henry George's ideas offer a path forward that unfettered capitalism and incremental socialism lack? Interviews, roundtable discussions, and debates.

Victoria Fierce on the RHNA Methodology Committee, Dem Central Committee, and Anarchism 2020-03-12
Victoria Fierce tells all about what it's like to serve on the RHNA Methodology Committee, her election to the Dem Central Committee, and how it fits in with an anarchist outlook.

Victoria Fierce on the RHNA Methodology Committee, Dem Central Committee, and Anarchism
Victoria Fierce on socialism and housing 2017-07-04
Victoria Fierce works for (pro-housing) East Bay Forward. Victoria Fierce is a member of (pro-economic-justice) DSA. This has led to an undue amount of drama. Does this have to be so? Why can't socialists and YIMBYs get along?

Victoria Fierce on socialism and housing